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Tips on Getting the Most Out of Google Trends

There are many tools at your disposal that can help hone your online marketing strategy. Effectively using these tools provides useful data and information about your audience, their behaviors, and even the keywords they use when looking for goods or services. Google Trends  

Alert: Possible Google Algorithm Update

Earlier this month there was evidence of some “seismic waves” in Google search engine performance. While Google is neither confirming nor denying an algorithm update, there are (more…)

Google My Business, Google Places—What’s the Difference?

There are more places to get your business found by Google than just organic search results. You can invest in paid ads to get your business to appear above organic search results. You can also

What You Need to Know about Google AdWords and Call Tracking

Do you invest in Google AdWords? Do you use call tracking numbers and/or prefer to direct your inquiries to a central phone bank rather than a local branch? If so, you may be wondering about

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