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New News on Online Ad Spending

Yah…we know that we have bombarded you with a lot of information regarding the increased budgets going towards online advertising.

But there’s more.


Because we cannot express how important it is that you understand the necessity of generating an online marketing campaign when the majority of  

The Importance of Email in Digital Marketing

A lot of rumors have been and are being sounded regarding an overall decline in the usage of email. Many believe that the communication capabilities offered by social media platforms like Facebook are stealing users away from email and converting them into quick-message-junkies.


Why Won’t My Ad Run on Google AdWords?

While you are waiting for your site to be properly optimized by an experienced Search Engine Optimization firm, you may consider investing in a Pay-per-Click (PPC) advertising campaign to increase your online visibility. Google AdWords provides a simple service to help you manage your  

B2B: Is Your Online Marketing Reaching Your Audience?

You’ve been in an Ashram in India for the last few years, it is probably not a surprise to hear that online is the best place you can place your marketing dollars. What you might not have thought of—or been informed about by your  

Know Your Reporting Tools: Date Range Comparison

You’ve heard us say (and not for the last time): there is nothing set-it-and-forget-it about your website. Once your website is live, then a different type of work begins—maintenance and management. Management involves the work of keeping your website performing in search and sales conversions. The  

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