Even if you know SEO is important for getting traffic and leads, trying to understand which SEO strategies are right for your firm can be an overwhelming process. Every law firm can — and should — approach SEO differently. And unless you’ve spent a lot of time in the trenches doing SEO, it’s not easy to know which strategies are most effective. At SonicSEO.com, we’ve spent over two decades developing and refining a process for creating effective SEO plans. We understand the legal industry’s unique challenges and offer a full range of SEO services to meet the needs of any law firm.

Our SEO experts are ready to devise a custom SEO package that will help you reach your goals faster. Our proprietary process includes:

Focus Analysis. During the focus analysis phase, we conduct a careful analysis of your firm. This includes learning more about your practice areas, location, competitors, and target audience in light of your internet marketing objectives. This research will help us make sure that your SEO plan meets your law firm’s specific needs and goals.

Keyword Research. We perform extensive research on how your ideal clients are looking for law firms like yours. Every law firm has different goals, and your keyword selection should reflect those goals. Our keyword research will enable us to target relevant search phrases for your website that will give you the best chances of being found by qualified leads. We also continue to evaluate search trends to ensure your keyword strategy is up-to-date.

Copywriting. We develop quality, original content that speaks to your target audience. The content on your website should demonstrate your knowledge and experience and persuade clients that you’re the right attorney to guide them through their legal issues. This is why we focus on developing content that provides value to your audience and crafting calls-to-action that inspire potential clients to contact you.

Page Optimization. To stand out from the competition, your website needs more than a professional, sleek design. Each page of your website should also be search engine optimized. This includes not only on-page elements like quality content, proper keywords, compelling meta descriptions, and easy navigation, but also off-page SEO like linking building. [Learn more about attorney SEO strategies here.]

Review and Updates. SEO is an ongoing process. Google continually updates its algorithm to improve search results. And with each update, it’s possible for a well-performing website to get buried in search results overnight. This means you can’t just forget about your website once it’s built. We keep up with all the latest trends in SEO and will routinely review your website’s performance and make adjustments as needed to boost or maintain its performance.

Learn More About How SEO Can Boost Your Law Firm’s Visibility

At SonicSEO.com, we’ve spent years building SEO expertise so you don’t have to. With our extensive experience and dedicated customer service, we deliver unparalleled results. There’s a reason why clients return to us again and again.

For a FREE consultation with one of our SEO experts, call us at 888-437-3737 or send us a message today.

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