Android App Development

There’s no denying the popularity of Android devices when it comes to smartphones. In fact, 71.52% of smartphone users all over the world currently have an Android device. This is an important figure to consider if you’re currently contemplating app development at your business.

In order to reach as many people as possible, your mobile application must be featured in the Google Play Store. Accordingly, it must meet the criteria set forth by Google to ensure the application is accepted. is well-versed in the relevant criteria and will ensure these standards are met as we develop a mobile application for your business.

What Requirements Does the Google Play Store Have?

All app stores have certain requirements to ensure a quality experience for users. Developers must be fully aware of these requirements and make certain their mobile applications meet the standards set forth in relevant guidelines. When it comes to the Google Play Store, requirements include:

  • Adherence to relevant policies and best practices
  • Inclusion of core app quality criteria
  • Appropriate content rating
  • Country of distribution
  • Maximum size of 50 mb
  • Screen and platform compatibility
  • Pricing information

If you fail to meet all the above requirements, your app will likely be rejected from the Google App Store. In addition to delaying your launch, a rejection can be costly when you must make updates to your submission.

Why Do You Need Professional Assistance with Your App?

Creating an app on your own is challenging when you lack the important tools and knowledge. At, we stay abreast of all the essential app development updates to ensure the finished product meets and exceeds user expectations.

In addition to creating an app that is accepted by the Google Play Store, we’ll also optimize the listing for the greatest possible visibility. App optimization is a key factor in success, as it ensures that as many users as possible are exposed to your app and what it has to offer.

Contact our team today for more information on how we can assist you with app development. We look forward to hearing from you!

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