Why Blog?

SonicSEO.com provides a wide range of Internet marketing solutions, and that includes blogging and social media management. Many of our clients wonder “Why blog?” and as soon as we explain the benefits, they’re on-board with a plan to create new content on a regular basis.

If you’re iffy on the whole company blogging thing, think about this:

Blogging Establishes you as an Industry Expert

Blogging gives you the opportunity to do more than plug specific products and/or services. You often need to explain why your services or products are necessary or how your products and services are superior compared to your competition’s. By blogging about the “why,” “how” and “so what” about your business, you establish your authority on these topics.

Blogging Expands Your Reach

As an established authority, people start to turn to you for reliable information about trends in your industry and evolutions in your own product/service line. When people get good information, they share it.

Blogging Enhances Your SEO Performance

Blogging can boost SEO results because blogging does what search engines are looking for:

Creates Fresh Content

Search engine algorithms can sniff stale content. Blogs add new content connected to your website regularly (how regularly is up to you—daily, weekly, monthly, etc.)

Generates backlinks

Quality blogs are shared, and that creates respected backlinks (i.e. links from other authoritative sites/sources that point back to your site), which have been among ranking criteria for years.

Drives Interest

Quality blogs can drive interest in your products and/or services, and interest means traffic…and high-traffic pages (and pages viewers stay on) are good for ranking.

When your blog keeps your website fresh and interesting, you, your business, and your products/services stay relevant to your customers. That means your brand is always at the top of their list to share with their friends—online and offline—and that’s free marketing that you can’t pass up!

What Should You Write About?

While many businesses admit to the clear benefits of blogging, it’s the challenge of actually creating text that often gets in the way. So, what should you write about?

Of course, we can’t dictate topics specifically. But when you are looking for ideas to blog about, remember that you’re writing to human readers, and what interests them? Stories. Tell the story of your company, your challenges, your commitments to new developments or industry advances. Tell customer success stories (or invite customers to guest blog to add their own voice to your blog). Tell stories of epic fails that led to improvements in your products, services and/or customer experiences.

Your company has a lot of stories to tell…and when you can’t think of them, then fall back on reminders—why they need your products/services and why yours are the best.

And if you are still plagued by writer’s block, fall back on the blogging and reputation management services provided by SonicSEO.com.


