Tips On Increasing Your Website’s Conversion Rate

Your business’s website serves as your digital storefront, and it must offer a solid experience as a result. Consider that most consumers these days prefer doing business online, whether it comes to buying products or scheduling a service. Accordingly, your website design must be amenable to the best possible user experience to ensure that customers follow through on the desired action.

You can determine whether this is the case by reviewing your website’s conversion rate. While there are many metrics you can use to establish the success or failure of your site, conversion rate is especially important, as it links to your business’s bottom line. This brief overview explains more about conversion rates and how you can boost yours to increase profits.

What Is a Conversion Rate?

Conversion rates measure how many visitors to your website complete a desired task. For instance, you may want visitors to end their web session by purchasing a product. If you have a service-based business, the end goal may be for a user to schedule a service. In other cases, you may want users to sign up for a newsletter, provide their email for future correspondence, or download an app.

Conversion rates are measured in percentages, and a high conversion rate indicates that you’re accomplishing your goals. On the other hand, a low conversion rate signals that there is a roadblock between visitors and the end goal, whatever it may be.

How Can You Increase a Low Conversion Rate?

Conversion rate percentages vary from business to business, so you may need to consider pertinent details if you’re unsatisfied with your website’s current rate. However, there are some universal steps that can boost conversion rates for numerous businesses. They include:

  • Use Calls-to-Action (CTAs) – CTAs are prompts that provide users of your website with clear actions to take. While they commonly appear at the end of webpages, they’re often most effective when used throughout content, particularly near the beginning of a page.
  • Develop Strong Landing Pages – Unlike other webpages, landing pages are linked to a specific marketing campaign. In a sense, landing pages are just larger CTAs meant to entice users to complete a single goal. Incorporating them into your website provides visitors with clear directives, which can then boost your conversion rate.
  • Establish an Email Campaign for Abandoned Carts – Abandon shopping carts, which means a user began a purchase but never completed it, are a common occurrence on eCommerce websites. Businesses can use follow-up emails to remind visitors that they left an item behind, which can be a good motivator to complete the purchase.
  • Use Chatbots to Answer Questions – Abandoned carts sometimes occur because a user would like more information but can’t access the answers they need. Chatbots are great for addressing common queries and don’t require an actual person to field questions and provide information.

Are you looking for proven methods to enhance your website’s conversion rate? Thanks to our decades of experience, the skilled team at can provide guidance on this and other online marketing topics. Contact us today to discuss a new web strategy for your business.