Should You Use TikTok to Market Your Business?

With more than one billion monthly active users, there’s no denying that TikTok has a powerful hold on its audience. The platform features 15-second videos, many of which are user-created. However, it can also be a powerful tool for businesses looking to expand their presence on social media.

How to Tell Whether TikTok Is Right for Your Marketing Strategy

Like with all other social media platforms, you must consider the demographics of users and compare them to your own target audience. You should also consider the types of goods and services you offer. In this case, TikTok makes sense if:

  • You’re interested in making fun, casual content
  • You can present what your business offers through videos
  • You want to introduce your brand to a young audience

Keep in mind that the majority of TikTok users are between the ages of 18 and 34. If that’s your target demographic, the platform could offer lots of value to you. However, if you generally target an older audience, it might not be the right fit.

Tips on Using the Platform to Reach Your Target Audience

If you decide to take the plunge, the first step is creating an account on the platform. From there, you must hone your marketing strategy to match the expectations of TikTok users. Here are a few helpful tips to consider:

  • Ensure That Your Profile Stands Out – When it comes to the profile image, choose a photo that best represents your brand. Additionally, make sure your bio clearly and concisely communicates what your business is about. You can also include a link in your profile, which can direct users to your website or even a landing page promoting specific goods or services.
  • Make the Algorithm Work for You – Hashtags are key in reaching all segments of your target audience on TikTok, so make sure they’re relevant to your brand. Also, consider engagement and interaction when making videos. The more likes, shares, and comments your content receives, the more the algorithm will favor it.
  • Diversify Your Video Content – Promotional videos are great for showcasing your products and services, but you should also feature other types of content on the platform. For example, a business selling power tools might make videos about DIY home repairs. On the other hand, a make-up company can gain lots of followers with fun tutorials using its products.

Develop an Impactful Social Media Presence with

Our social media marketing team at helps businesses create compelling campaigns that capture the attention of their customers. We also help clients select the right platforms for their needs, which ensures your marketing efforts are worthwhile. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a consultation.