Key Industry Survey Findings on the State of SEO in 2021

Businesses have faced many challenges since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. These challenges have made digital marketing more important than ever thanks to social distancing regulations and quarantines.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one crucial aspect of digital marketing. Without it, your business would be nearly impossible to find online, which will negatively impact your bottom line. Here are a few key insights about 2021 and its impact on SEO.

Challenges to SEO

Zero-click searches are a major concern for many marketers these days. Under the usual circumstances, a search generates numerous results, and the user then reviews the results page and chooses a link to click. With a zero-click search, a snippet of information appears at the top of the results page, which means the user might not need to click any links to find what they’re looking for.

For example, if you have a plumbing website that features helpful tips about dealing with clogs, a zero-click search result might prevent the user reading a blog posted on your site. While very efficient, zero-click searches not great for businesses. When a user fails to visit your site, you lose an opportunity to convert them into a paying customer.

Google’s move to block third party cookies is equally worrisome. Without cookies, online marketers will be unable to collect valuable user data that can help them hone their strategies. While Google has delayed the ban until 2023, many businesses are working on adjusting their strategies now in anticipation. One method involves focusing on first party information gained directly from your customers. Sending emails with demographic surveys and questions about likes or dislikes can help you tap into the mindset of consumers.

Emerging Trends

Going forward, user experience is going to be a key factor in the success of online marketing campaigns. While having a user-friendly site is already a crucial metric when it comes to search ranking, user experience takes it step further. A user-friendly site is easily accessible by just about anyone, but a favorable user experience means that a person walks away with a satisfied feeling thanks to the quality of the interaction. Focusing on user experience should also create an intuitive website that is not only accessible, but fun to use.

While there is some debate about how important Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness is to search ranking, it’s still essential for online brands. Consumers want to trust in the businesses they patronize, and this trust is first developed when they visit your website. Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness are expressed in the look, function, and content of a site, which must create a positive experience for the user.

What This Means for You

The world of SEO is constantly changing and evolving, and your business must change right alongside it. Here at, we provide essential support to our clients to ensure they’re using the best possible SEO strategy. We use a research-backed approach when it comes to keyword selection and identifying your target audience. We also stay abreast of new developments and trends, so we can pass along our insights to you.

If you’d like to discuss your current SEO strategy based on the above information, feel free to contact us today!