What Is an SEO Accessibility Check and Why Is It Important?

People with disabilities utilize web services, and businesses must keep differently abled individuals in mind to ensure their sites are inclusive and fully accessible by all. Unfortunately, a vast number of websites are not accessible to people with disabilities, which prevents them from taking full advantage of what a business offers.

Poor accessibility can also harm your site’s search rank, as search engines want websites to be suitable for all people. That’s why search engine optimization accessibility checks are so crucial for your business.

How to Perform an Accessibility Check

The first step is to understand the pertinent Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. These guidelines ensure that people with auditory, cognitive, speech, and learning disabilities can easily interact with websites. Many accessibility checks will compare the function of a website to guidelines to determine how accessible a site truly is.

Accessibility assessments also look at individual components of websites. This includes colors, text, content structure, ease of navigation, and other factors. The use of a screen reader can also help you determine how friendly the page is to people with visual impairments.

Benefits of Having an Accessible Website

Enhancing website accessibility is simply the right thing to do. However, it also offers businesses quite a few benefits:

  • Decreased chance of legal issues related to inadequate site access
  • Greater flow of traffic coming to your website
  • Improved rank in search results pages
  • Healthier bottom line thanks to more customers patronizing your business
  • Elevated brand reputation and loyalty

At the end of the day, having a fully accessible website puts your business at a huge advantage over those who don’t take the time to consider accessibility.

We Can Help You Build an Accessible Website

Since 1998, SonicSEO.com has been helping businesses all over North America create user-friendly websites. We also have extensive experience with SEO, which means we can update your site to improve the flow of traffic and boost your rank on search results pages. Contact us today to discuss a strategy for improving your business’s website.