How to Navigate Privacy-Focused Updates When Marketing Your Business

Privacy is a major focus for online users these days, many of whom balk at the notion of their personal information being tracked and collected. Major tech giants like Apple and Google have reacted to the concerns of users by implementing new updates focused on enhancing privacy.

While beneficial, these updates can also complicate marketing strategies when it comes to tracking user insights. Here’s what to expect and how to navigate the new, privacy-focused internet.

Privacy Updates to Be Aware Of

While many companies are implementing privacy updates, there are two that are most relevant to online marketing. Apple’s introduction of App Tracking Transparency means that users must opt-in to allow their personal data to be tracked across multiple channels. If a user declines, marketers will not have access to their data.

Google’s phasing out of third-party cookies on Chrome is projected to have an even more drastic impact on internet marketing. While this update isn’t scheduled to take place until 2023, marketers are already concerned about its impact on ad personalization. Google announced that a new technology will take the place of third-party cookies, but the specific details on how it will work are not yet available.

How to Approach Search Marketing After Updates Take Place

Despite concerns about how privacy updates will affect online marketing strategies, there are other ways to collect meaningful data to enhance your advertising approach. They include:

  • First-Party Data – First-party data is the information you collect directly from your customers. Asking questions on social media can provide information on your followers’ interests. You can also send surveys via email if you’re looking for more detailed data regarding buying behaviors and preferences. This data can provide the same insights as third-party cookies in terms of user behaviors.
  • Enhanced Branding – Users are more likely to provide personal data to brands they know and trust. By making sure your business is easily identifiable, you’ll have an easier time convincing users to provide essential insights related to their behaviors and desires.
  • Smart Segmentation – Audience segmentation breaks down your target audience into smaller groups to help you hone your strategy. You can develop audience segments by applying certain criteria, such as age, income, location, behaviors, and other factors. With smart segmentation, marketers can drill down into data like demographics, interests, values, and lifestyles to create impactful advertising.

Updates focused on user privacy are just one example of how the online sphere is rapidly changing. That’s why our marketing team at is always on the lookout for changes and updates. This allows us to alter your SEO and marketing strategy to ensure your website remains accessible to your target audience. Discuss your marketing goals with us by calling 505-821-2000.