Do Popup Banner Ads Affect Search Rank?

Websites use all sorts of tools to promote a business and draw attention to its goods and services. Popup banners are one method of advertising that has been met with some controversy over the years.

These ads are often seen as obtrusive, which means that they can diminish the experience of the user. According to Google’s Senior Trends Analyst John Mueller, these ads can also affect three essential ranking factors, with possibly negative results. Here are those factors and how they may be impacted.

Page Layout Algorithm

Page Layout Algorithm is a metric that was designed to decrease the rank of pages that contained bothersome popup ads. Because popups can potentially disrupt the experience of the user, Google created this metric to discourage website builders from including them in the design.

Cumulative Layout Shift

Webpages can move around as they load, and Cumulative Layout Shift is a measurement of how much a page moves as it appears on the screen. If a popup ad or image takes too long to load on the page, the surrounding text may shift until the element finishes loading.

Largest Contentful Paint

While similar to Cumulative Layout Shift, Largest Contentful Paint tracks the load time for the largest element or block of content to appear on the page. Load time is tracked from the moment the page first appears until it’s completely finished loading. Popup ads with lots of texts, images, and dynamic elements typically take longer to load from start to finish. As a result, they can affect this metric.

How Can You Help Your Website Achieve a Good Rank?

Tracking ranking factors and their impact on client websites is a large part of what we do at Our designers build websites with the most relevant factors in mind, and we’re always ready to make changes when these factors are updated by Google or other search engines. We also ensure pages contain quality content and are accompanied by a pleasing layout and easy to navigate design.

Do you have questions about your site’s current search rank? If so, please reach out to us today so we can discuss your marketing needs.