4 Ways to Start Moving Your Business Online

In the midst of all the mandatory closures enacted by state governments to tamp down the spread of COVID-19, many businesses are rightly concerned. It could be months before normal operations can be resumed, which means staff and owners will be without an income.  

Moving your brick and mortar business online allows it to function while protective measures are in place. It also expands the reach of your business to even more consumers in your area, which will be essential in the coming months as self-isolation guidelines and regulations are lifted. Here are a few steps you can take right now to create a thriving online business.  

1. Develop Your Marketing Strategy  

Even if you already have an established customer base, it’s still recommended that you give some thought to your target audience. These are the people most in need of what your business offers and most likely to purchase your goods or services. Understanding the wants and needs of your target audience allows you to fine tune marketing efforts for the best return on investment, especially when it comes to keyword selection.  

2. Create a Website 

While you can use a DIY website builder, the quality of the finished site will be far below a professionally designed site containing all the right elements. Your site must look polished and professional, with high quality graphics and images that best exemplify your brand. Your website must also be easy to navigate so visitors can easily find products or contact information. Function is equally important. Slow load times and glitches drive customers away from your website to competitor sites.   

3. Incorporate SEO Best Practices 

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves designing websites to meet the criteria search engines use for page ranking. Websites that meet important criteria, such as proper keyword usage, posting original content, and designing page elements effectively, appear higher in search results than those that do not.  Keep in mind most web users never leave the first page of search results, which puts businesses appearing on second or subsequent pages at a serious disadvantage.  

4. Set Up Social Media Pages 

Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are indispensable to online businesses. They allow you to provide customers frequent updates on your business, including info on special discounts and deals. They also allow you to engage with followers on a deeper level and reach new customers as your posts are shared among friends and family. 

SonicSEO.com helps businesses all over the country transition from physical to online spaces. We can help you make the leap as well by providing proven SEOweb design, and internet marketing services. Contact us today to learn more or call to schedule a consultation.