Is Your Website Optimized for Mobile Search?

Statistics show that a whopping 97% of Americans currently own a mobile device. Many of these individuals use their mobile devices to search the internet, which means that websites must look and function correctly on these devices to provide a great experience.

That’s the very principle behind mobile optimization, which ensures that a website offers a consistent experience from device to device. Here are a few signs to look for to determine whether your site is performing as expected on mobile devices.

Image Quality

Along with text, images ensure a dynamic web browsing experience. When a website is not mobile optimized, images that appear fine on a desktop may be of low quality on mobile devices. You may also find that image links are broken, which can be a frustrating experience for users.

Issues With Text

Text size is another important factor to consider. Text that is too small may be impossible to read on a mobile device, which can result in users clicking away to another site. Mobile optimization ensures that text is easy to read on all devices, regardless of their screen size.

Loading Speeds

Websites must load within three seconds, or you run the risk of losing a potential customer. When websites aren’t correctly optimized for mobile viewing, extended loading speeds can become a real issue. Users are accustomed to swift loading speeds these days, which means they aren’t likely to wait around when a website isn’t functioning correctly on a mobile device.

Scrolling Left or Right

Text and images must also fit reasonably within the screen of the mobile device. Needing to scroll to the left or right to continue reading text will probably turn off users. It may also prevent them from accessing the information they need to take the desired action, such as contacting your business or purchasing a product.

Web Design Services You Can Trust

For decades, has provided web design services to clients all over North America. We know that mobile website design is key to reaching as many members of your target audience as possible, so we make certain that our client’s sites look amazing on all devices, from desktops to smartphones and notepads. Call (505) 821-2000 today or contact us to learn more.