How to Tell That Your Website Design Is Outdated

Your business’s website serves as a digital storefront online. As a result, it will be the first thing most customers see when looking for goods and services. It may also be the last time a consumer engages with your business if they’re dissatisfied with your website.

Site design plays a crucial role in user satisfaction, so you must make updates as needed. Here are a few signs that your website could use a little spring cleaning.

Outdated Fonts

There’s a good reason why fonts like Comic Sans are the subject of repeated ridicule. Using the wrong font on your site can make your business look unprofessional and unpolished, which will negatively impact customer confidence. It can also make your site difficult to read if you use an overly elaborate or ornate font. The best fonts are sleek, simplified, and modern, as these characteristics ensure easy readability while also making the best impression.

Mobile Incompatibility

A large portion of your audience browse the internet on mobile devices these days. As a result, you must ensure that your website is compatible for viewing on mobile devices. If the site is clunky or hard to navigate on a smartphone, users will click away and head straight into the arms of your competitors. On the other hand, a mobile friendly design will offer a great experience to all visitors, no matter what type of device they’re using to access the internet.

Analytics Information

The best way to determine whether your website is due for an update is to review your analytics information. This data provides insight into metrics like increased bounce rates (the percentage of users that leave the site after looking at one page), decreased web traffic, and less time spent on the site. These factors indicate that something about the site is providing a lackluster experience to users, who are choosing to leave the site in response. Understanding analytics data and how it corresponds to user satisfaction can serve as a roadmap to your web design strategy.

When it comes to your website, rest assured that remains on the cutting edge of design trends. We can evaluate your existing website to determine whether it needs an update. We also continually monitor and track site performance to ensure you remain at the top of search results pages. Reach out to our team today to discuss your website design needs.