How to Locate Customer Intent Within Relevant Data

While the answers for leveraging intent are found within search data, it can be difficult to know what data is valuable. It is important to use proven tactics to locate relevant data related to customer intent to enhance your online marketing strategy to make the biggest impact.

What to Look for When Analyzing Data

Before diving into search data, it helps to know just what you’re looking for. For example, focusing on keywords closely linked to actual purchases will help you leverage those keywords for the greatest sales conversion rates. Data related to customer trends is also valuable. There will be highs and lows in a consumer’s search cycle and identifying them will help you react accordingly.

If you have an ecommerce site, insights can also be gained from shopping cart activity. For example, customers might add items to their shopping cart but fail to complete the purchase. This calls for a closer look at customer shopping trends, which can then be used to increase purchase rates. You can also look back on past search trends to locate any patterns. If you know certain searches happen during certain times of the year or according to specific schedule, tweaking your marketing campaign to line up with those times will be beneficial.

Delving Deeper Into Search Trends & Buyer Phases

When a person makes the decision to purchase something, be it a product or service, they go through many different phases on their way to the final sale. This is often referred to as the buyer journey and understanding the buyer journey can help you position your brand correctly throughout the process. The first phase involves positioning your product, so it has the greatest visibility when customers are ready to make a purchase.

The popularity of different search terms has peaks and valleys, positioning should be an ongoing process even when your target search terms are less popular. You should also identify if the trend is likely to repeat, which helps strategies for future online marketing efforts. For instance, a yearly festival or event might cause consumers to shop for certain items of clothing or gear, such as camping equipment. If you recognize recurring trends, you’ll be better equipped to capitalize on them.

Combining Different Types of Data for the Greatest Impact

When you combine different datasets, you can put even more power behind search data. Combining these datasets provides context to buyer behavior, and offers a reason for purchases, as opposed to just providing the where and how of what occurred.

Analysis of social media marketing campaigns is a source of extremely useful information. Identifying which posts gain the most likes and comments can guide your future posting strategies, as well as what times of the year posts are most popular in terms of follower engagement. Social media can also provide information on traffic from social media to your website. Which posts result in people clicking through to your site? Additionally, what are people doing when they get there? If one type of post is leading to more sales conversions, then obviously those posts are effective from an online marketing angle.

With so much data out there, it can be difficult to use it to your advantage. can assist you in delving deeper into your online marketing campaigns to find pertinent data and apply it in a meaningful way. That way your online presence will continue to evolve to return the best results possible.