How to Incorporate Personalization Into Your SEO Strategy

There is a massive amount of search data out there that provides insight into a user’s wants and desires every time they perform an online search. This data can include things like location, purchase history, the device a person is using to perform the search, and many other bits of information.

It’s possible for businesses to take this data and apply to their own website to provide users with a personalized experience. In fact, the more steps you take to personalize the experience offered by your site, the better the engagement with new and prospective customers. Here are a few methods that can help enhance user personalization.

Design Content Around Relevant Search Phrases

Research is at the heart of the most effective SEO strategies. This is especially true when it comes to the keyword usage of your target audience. What search terms and phrases are users inputting to get to your website? And what keywords have the highest conversion potential, meaning they lead to a visitor making a specific action, such as making a purchase?

Tracking relevant data offers invaluable information to optimize your website. It can also help you develop strategies for new trends in searches. Natural language queries are becoming more and more relevant these days, which is a far cry from the short and succinct keywords that dominated up to this point. For the most satisfying user experience, website analytics must be monitored and tracked on a regular basis.

Make Sure Content Is Accessible to All Users

Customer location is a huge factor in personalization, especially for businesses that operate internationally. In this case, differences in dialect and language are sure to apply. Presenting search results in English to a Spanish-speaking customer could lose you business. Additionally, if your competitors are accounting for differences in languages and dialects, they will likely sweep in and take these customers from you.

Once again, research must factor into your personalization strategy. If you know you have customers that speak a language other than English, your website’s content should be translated into any relevant languages. While it’s true that users can translate content on their own, going the extra mile to tailor content to all users will only benefit your business and your website.

Drill Down Into Specific Locations

While not all businesses will have international customers, most can find value in location-specific content. Along with optimizing for city, which can be pretty broad in some cases, it’s also possible to drill down into specific neighborhoods. These leads are often the most valuable, because a person performing such a search is most like to purchase goods or services.

When designing content for your site, make sure you’re optimizing for all locations that your business serves. For example, some sites feature separate landing pages for each location. Localized landing pages better serves local customers and ensures they have the necessary information to take further action, such as business hours and contact info.

Personalized Content Improves User Engagement

Our marketing specialists at know how important personalization is for an optimized user experience. We apply the above strategies to your content to boost engagement and make sure visitors enjoy the best possible experience when visiting your site.