A Guide to Google Multisearch

As technology advances, online users are privy to new and dynamic ways to perform searches. As a leader in digital technology, Google is at the forefront of the search revolution thanks to their constant innovation.

Multisearch is one recent development that aims to make it easier for people to find the goods they’re looking for online. Here’s how the technology works and what benefits it offers consumers shopping digitally.

The Problem with Text-Only Search

Text search has proven to be a highly effective method for finding information online, but it isn’t completely foolproof. For example, you may see an item of clothing on a website that you love but would like to have in a different color. Using text to search for this item can be tricky, since there’s no efficient way to convey this information with text alone. It would be much easier to use a picture of the clothing, then include additional detail using text.

How Multisearch Improves the Customer Experience

Multisearch addresses this issue by allowing users to search for images and text at the same time. Using the above example, you can include a screenshot or picture in your search, then use the “+ Add to your search” in the Google app to refine the search criteria.

This technology is made possible through artificial intelligence, which “learns” search habits and behaviors to provide more accurate results. The search habits of consumers tend to be a lot more intuitive than search engines were previously capable of. The addition of image searches is just one way that Google and other search engines are providing an enhanced experience to users all over the world.

What That Means for Your Business

Businesses must also remain on the cutting edge of technology to ensure they’re providing the best possible goods and services to customers. Here at SonicSEO.com, we constantly follow new technologies and trends to make certain our clients are fully informed and aware of the digital landscape. For instance, our knowledge of search intent allows us to develop a compelling and impactful internet presence for the businesses we work with.

We’re always happy to discuss your current marketing strategy, so feel free to call (505) 821-2000 if you have questions or would like to update your current approach.