What Is Google’s Multitask Unified Model?

When it comes to search engines, Google remains a leading voice in developing technology. Their Multitask Unified Model (MUM) technology is just the latest advance underway, one that is met with much enthusiasm.

MUM is intended to delve deeper into search queries to provide more dependable, accurate information to users. Here are a few insights into MUM and how it may improve the search process.

How MUM Works

Multi-tasking is what makes MUM so special when compared to other search engine technology. Instead of breaking down queries into separate components, it takes the entire search phrase as a whole to keep it in context.

MUM has even been programmed with 75 distinct languages to ensure multi-lingual capability.  It can also comprehend images across mediums, including text and pictures, and eventually video and audio clips.

MUM May Reduce the Number of Searches

According to Google, it takes an average of eight searches to find information for a complex task. This is because complex queries must be broken down into their separate components and queried individually in order to find the correct information the user is searching for.

MUM scours complex queries for subtopics and looks for helpful information related to them while maintaining the context. In a sense, MUM parses queries and provides information in the same way an expert on the topic would, as opposed to a surface level reading of questions based on the keywords included.

MUM is still undergoing testing and does not yet have a release date. However, it emphasizes the ever-changing nature of search engines, and how these changes will affect your business’s digital marketing strategy.

Our design and development team at SonicSEO.com remains on the cutting edge of search engine technology, and we’re always happy to pass our knowledge on to our clients. If you have questions about your marketing strategy, feel free to reach out to us today.