What You Must Know About Digital Marketing and Internet Privacy

The behaviors and preferences of users has a major effect on digital marketing strategies. That’s why Google’s plan to cease using third-party cookies in 2023 has been met with such trepidation by online marketers. Without third-party cookies, user tracking is bound to become a lot more challenging.

While the change is still a year away, marketers and business owners must prepare their strategies now to ensure their advertising approach remains effective. Here are a few important steps to take.

Enhance First-Party Data Collection

Third-party cookies help businesses access essential demographic info about users, such as age, location, income, and other data. You can source this data from visitors directly by enhancing your methods for collecting information from users. For example, user surveys provide direct insight into the characteristics of site visitors.

You can also identify patterns in their behaviors as they navigate around your website. Time spent on pages, purchase history, abandoned shopping carts, and other actions can tell you how visitors are interacting with your website and what you can do to improve these interactions.

Segment Customer Data

First-party data collected directly from your users and information provided by website analytic reports can also help you segment your audience effectively. Audience segmentation entails breaking down your user base into smaller groups to further hone your marketing strategy.

Segmentation allows you to tweak advertising campaigns to appeal to specific groups of your user base. This individualized attention is sure to make an impact, as consumers today prefer a unique user experience based on their preferences.

Invest in Contextual Marketing

Google hopes to offer similar site tracking capabilities through their Federated Learning of Cohorts (FloC) technology, which will track user groups as opposed to individuals. Once live, information garnered by FloC can inform your paid ad approach and help you better develop a contextual marketing strategy.

Contextual marketing helps make your advertising budget go a lot further by matching ads to the content of the webpage the user is currently browsing. That keeps your efforts relevant to the specific information presented on the page. It can also be more effective than behavioral targeting, since all ads will be relevant to the search the user is conducting at the time.

Our digital marketing team at SonicSEO.com stays one step ahead of emerging trends and updates to better serve our clients. Along with our dynamic web design, we also track rankings and monitor performance, which allows us to update your strategy as necessary. If you have questions about upcoming changes, feel free to schedule a call with us.