4 of the Biggest App Development Trends of 2021

If your business doesn’t currently have a mobile application, you could be missing out on a huge part of your audience. Regardless of demographics, virtually everyone has a mobile device these days, and most people prefer interacting with apps when using their smartphones.

However, simply developing an app is not enough. You must also stay abreast of current trends, so you can serve your customers to the best of your ability. Here are a few app trends to watch in 2021.  

  1. 5G-Friendly Features

App performance is a huge concern for developers. Consider this: slow, glitchy apps frustrate users, lower sales, and tarnish your business’s reputation.

With the advent of 5G, network performance and efficiency will increase exponentially. That means your app can include a lot more bells and whistles to impress users. For example, including elements of augmented and virtual reality into your app offers a one-of-a-kind experience to users.

  1. “Try Now” Options

How do you entice users to pull the trigger and download your app? While marketing plays a crucial role in this process, a “Try Now” button can have an even bigger impact on downloads.

Instant versions of apps are truncated and do not offer full features due to size limitations. They do provide users the ability to see what your app has to offer and how it functions before they actually download the full version. This can be highly compelling for many people, who might otherwise pass over your app without downloading.

  1. Chatbots

The quality of the customer service you offer makes a huge impact on the perception of consumers. Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, chatbots are quickly becoming the preferred method of providing customer service. While chatbots are quite common on websites, they’re less so on mobile applications.

The number of chatbots on apps is projected to increase this year, however. In addition to consumer preferences, chatbots make receiving help a lot more efficient for your business. Instead of having a person answer basic queries, a bot can provide essential information quickly and efficiently.

  1. Compatibility with Wearable Devices

The steady increase in the popularity of wearable devices, such as smart watches, shows they are here to stay. Advances in wearable technology have also made it possible for them to feature apps, which has gotten the attention of developers and businesses.

The primary benefit of making apps wearable-compatible is that your business will be able to reach a brand-new audience. It also shows that your business is tech-savvy, which is very appealing to many consumers.  

Along with the many other SEO and marketing services we offer, SonicSEO.com can also assist your business with app development. We’ll make sure your mobile application has essential features, like push notifications and customer service hubs. We can also develop a strategy for optimizing your app, so it reaches as many people as possible. Contact us today to discuss your strategy.